April 15, 2009

A Symbolic God

[This is a duplicate post from my real blog. I just want to see what it looks like here.]

Right now I’m in the process of writing a short essay on In Face of Mystery by Gordon Kaufman. From what I can tell from the portion of the book we read for class, I very much identify with his approach. One of the things that is central to his theology (and very interesting to me) is his understanding of religious traditions as symbolic frames. Here’s a quick run-down on “symbolic frames”:

Humans, as creatures whose lives are embedded in culture (we are “sociocultural animals”), try to make sense of their lives through symbolic frames. Early in human history, these symbolic frames took the form of stories—myths about humans and their place in our world. Over time these stories were modified and fleshed out, creating broadly encompassing worldviews that provided a framework for meaning in human life. Religious traditions are perfect examples of these symbolic frames—they had origins in early myths but were developed into what we now recognize as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, etc.

What’s important to note, however, is that religious traditions aren’t static. They are culturally located and dynamic. Christianity in first century Palestine was drastically different from Christianity in fifth century Egypt, and that is drastically different from Christianity in twenty-first century America. The symbolic frame we call Christianity has grown and morphed over time along with the changing culture. As new ideas and new kinds of experiences became a part of people’s lives, the symbolic frame had to change in order to accommodate and make sense of the new aspects of life.

What’s important about this is that the symbols within the framework—the symbols that hold meaning and importance in our lives—are understood to be human creations. Because symbolic frames are socially constructed over time in particular cultures, the symbols within that frame are ever-changing in their valences and meanings.

This includes the symbol “God.” Anytime we talk about God, we are talking about something that is a human creation.

Whoa … hold up! Let me offer a quick explanation that may alleviate some distress. A symbol is made up two parts—the signifier and the signified. Take for instance an apple. We use the word “apple” (either the two syllables that you say with your mouth or the five written marks you make with your pen) to point to an object. The word “apple” is the signifier. The actual apple itself (either the slightly mushy one in your kitchen or a shiny, imaginary one in your head) is the signified. The signifier points to the signified. Put these two together, and you get a symbol. And it is only through symbols that we can have meaning. Symbols are the connection between our meaningful thoughts and the things we are thinking about.

Meaning is expressed in symbols. And symbols are human creations.

There may be an actual God (“God” the signified) whom we try to talk about with words (“God” the signifier)—but we have to recognize that there is no such thing as access to that God except through symbols. The only way we can talk about or think about God is by using humanly created symbols, or as Kaufman puts it: “all talk of God belongs to and has its meaning within a particular symbolical frame for orientation for human life.”

What this means is that anytime we talk about God, we are confronted by the symbols and meanings that we have created. But this human limitation also makes us more aware of the vastness of the mystery of God. Since we are limited in the face of a mysterious, ungraspable God, what option do we have except humble agnosticism.

October 24, 2008

Another Fake Post...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam magna libero, pretium eu, congue vel, feugiat vitae, sem. Mauris rhoncus imperdiet erat. Sed non ligula. Nunc metus pede, malesuada ut, pharetra at, varius et, nibh. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc congue pellentesque velit. Etiam in sem sit amet enim sollicitudin consectetuer. 

Pellentesque non mauris a nibh tincidunt feugiat. Suspendisse convallis, turpis quis dictum consectetuer, elit massa iaculis dolor, vitae convallis tellus sem non diam. Nunc at nulla quis erat lacinia rhoncus. Pellentesque ut quam. Etiam sollicitudin eleifend nisi. Fusce eu nibh non nunc rutrum placerat. 

Nunc imperdiet sagittis augue.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas id eros eget risus sagittis faucibus. Pellentesque malesuada venenatis orci. Mauris dolor mi, semper vulputate, ultricies a, imperdiet et, risus. Vivamus quis lectus. Nullam varius posuere nunc. Nunc id ligula sit amet lacus egestas convallis. 
Mauris nisi. Suspendisse lacinia odio sit amet felis ultrices viverra. Curabitur porttitor dapibus risus. Fusce commodo enim auctor nulla. Pellentesque pede nunc, pulvinar et, cursus id, feugiat ut, est. In condimentum velit non massa.
Sed pulvinar odio id pede. Nulla facilisi. Proin commodo vehicula risus. Sed tristique ligula ac mauris imperdiet aliquet. Aliquam volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean interdum mauris ut enim. Aenean consequat est at massa. 

Quisque elit. Suspendisse fringilla neque sed ligula. Integer nulla lacus, ultricies non, fringilla vitae, tincidunt at, orci. Ut malesuada dolor sed neque. Sed et pede. Etiam felis ipsum, facilisis ac, rutrum id, vehicula nec, massa. Donec venenatis auctor enim.

Cras vitae turpis. Aliquam sapien. Nullam faucibus, elit in bibendum dignissim, neque erat dignissim sapien, ut posuere sapien est a dui. Etiam neque purus, aliquet pulvinar, pulvinar id, tincidunt sed, sem. Integer a justo. Phasellus suscipit vehicula ligula. 

Donec pede erat, tincidunt ac, iaculis vel, feugiat sed, odio. Suspendisse augue. Pellentesque metus felis, hendrerit vitae, dignissim sit amet, lobortis blandit, eros. 

Aenean orci neque, lobortis ultrices, faucibus nec, malesuada nec, urna. 

Maecenas euismod blandit neque.

October 3, 2008

Another Fake Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque lectus. Donec quis purus in tortor viverra mollis. In ultricies ipsum vel massa. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ultricies iaculis est. Duis sit amet dui sed nisl varius varius. Nunc in quam quis arcu aliquam bibendum. Sed justo. Curabitur placerat, sem eget porta pulvinar, erat dolor dictum nunc, ut euismod nunc diam eget tortor. 

Etiam semper lacus in lorem. Nam orci felis, congue a, luctus nec, porttitor sed, leo. Etiam justo metus, interdum vitae, facilisis eu, ultricies id, nunc. Etiam in pede. Quisque iaculis lectus id nulla. Donec pulvinar, eros fringilla porta vestibulum, dolor nisi volutpat risus, nec sagittis eros pede id lacus. Nullam massa lacus, molestie at, cursus in, luctus porta, dui. 

In eget purus.  Quisque auctor imperdiet leo. Curabitur eu lorem. Nulla lacus orci, imperdiet vitae, mattis sed, placerat non, elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed tristique quam quis nibh. Aliquam accumsan, diam id suscipit viverra, velit erat porta diam, eu varius leo odio et justo. Aenean condimentum tellus eget dolor consequat euismod. Praesent nec dolor vel ante blandit egestas. Ut lobortis turpis in tortor. Proin ac leo. 

Vestibulum porttitor eros at mi. Ut egestas tortor eu justo. Sed consectetuer sagittis nisi. Nunc pulvinar leo vitae metus. Vivamus semper. Nullam laoreet, orci eu dictum dignissim, augue ipsum rutrum orci, eget imperdiet eros tortor ac nisl. Cras ipsum nunc, ultricies in, rhoncus eget, faucibus euismod, mi. Morbi luctus lobortis quam. 

Nulla id est. Cras eget ipsum vitae justo auctor gravida.Duis dictum pede vitae mauris. Mauris lacus arcu, ullamcorper vel, fringilla nec, placerat eget, ligula. Sed congue laoreet arcu. Morbi sit amet enim non quam blandit mollis. Integer tortor lacus, varius a, auctor at, porttitor ac, mi. 

Quisque sed enim. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut porttitor, leo ac feugiat convallis, odio erat rhoncus sem, nec luctus felis ipsum nec metus.

Sed egestas. In pretium felis a orci. 

October 2, 2008

Don't Forget The Stragglers

So, I'm currently looking at my blog from an older computer that has a very sad screen resolution. I mean, I guess it isn't that bad, but I don't really like it.

When I'm designing my blog I'll have to consciously think about the different screen resolutions people use. As much as I'd like to design it to look awesome my my high-res screen, I guess I have to be considerate of those less fortunate.

Note to self: Don't forget the stragglers.