After much weeping and gnashing of teeth, I've made an executive decision to scrap everything I had been working on so diligently for the last many months. After numerous iterations, I just was not happy with the results. I had wanted to bring together something grungy with something cool and modern--and I wanted to do it in such as way that I could show off some cool effects.
Things were getting more and more graphic heavy, but each change I made necessitated 36 other changes. It just wasn't working. I really liked the color scheme and the idea of bringing together paper elements with grunge in a modern way. Great idea, but I couldn't get it right.
So, I'm returning once again to the basics. The whole reason I keep tweaking my blog is to make it more reader friendly. If people are gonna read what I say, they might as well not be visually assaulted by their computer screen. I wanted to make things easy on the eyes all around to facilitate an engagement with my content. My previous concepts all grew out of that sort of concern for the reader, but there is another way.
Instead of using graphic elements to make things easy on the eyes, I plan to remove all distractions on the screen. I still want to make things inviting, but one of the ways I can do that is by making the site attractive (in a web-trendy sort of way). I no longer need the options that the Rounders 2 template offered, so I'm returning to Minima, which, like it sounds, is not as cluttered.
Over the next while, I expect this to develop into something worth looking at. Hopefully all will go well.
Here's to new beginnings. Cheers.