September 28, 2008

What's all this?

As it turns out, I'm never quite satisfied with my most things I do.  I always like to tweak and change things.  That goes for lots of thing in my life, but especially my blog's design.  So, I'm creating this blog "Marked Beta" as a place for me to try out new templates, designs, and random ideas.  

There really won't be much of interest here for you--but you can always stop by to look to see if there are any new developments underway.  Otherwise, you should visit my real blog, "MARKED: Struggles in Thought and Theology."

September 24, 2008

New Images

I'm trying these out....

September 21, 2008

Another Go

Here we go again.  Back date.

September 18, 2008

Background Change

Here's an adjusted version of the background....

September 15, 2008

Another Shot at It

I probably shouldn't back date this, but I am....

September 12, 2008

Another Back-dated Background

Here's an alternative background to try.  I think I like it better, but I'll have to see it up to make sure.  Even though today is October 3rd, I'm going to pretend like it's not.

Here we go!

Oh, I want to see what a block quote looks like, so here we go:
The Internet is the single most important development in the history of human communication since the invention of call waiting.
-Dave Barry

September 11, 2008

Back-dated Background

So, I'm posting a new background on October 2nd, but I've decided to back date the entry.  I really don't like the way it looks to have the image in the post on top of the actual background.  It confuses my eyes.  So, I'm gonna party like it's 1999!  Or maybe I'll just back date it to last month.  Which was two days ago.  I'm not sure.  

By the time this posts, I'll have made a decision....

Another Trial

Here's a long piece of paper to use on the bottom sidebar. We'll see how it goes....

Give it a shot

I'm not really sure how the different elements of my blog layout work, so I'm gonna try something out. I've resized an image of paper to 540px wide so that it'll fit in the main section of the blog. I'm gonna put the image at the top and the bottom of the main section, and I expect that the solid color will cover up most of the image. I really don't know, though. We'll find out.