October 30, 2008

New Template and Electronic Ghetto Rigging

So, as it turns out, I'm not a CSS master.  Basically that means that I can't really start from scratch—I can only adapt.  I haven't been satisfied with the Minima template I've been working with because it doesn't allow me the flexibility that I've been wanting.  In order to incorporate some of the graphic elements that I want, I found that I really need a different template.

Enter Rounders 2.

It really doesn't look like much at this point.  Actually, it just looks like a basic Blogger template.  And that's because it is.  However, this template will allow me to do some nifty things that I haven't been able to do in the past.  So, I'm excited about that.

The downside, though, is that now I have to learn the ins and outs of this template.  That means this (fake) blog is going to look pretty boring for a while.  Once I figure out how everything works, I'll be able to piece the design together.

Hooray for electronic ghetto-rigging!

October 24, 2008

Another Fake Post...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam magna libero, pretium eu, congue vel, feugiat vitae, sem. Mauris rhoncus imperdiet erat. Sed non ligula. Nunc metus pede, malesuada ut, pharetra at, varius et, nibh. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc congue pellentesque velit. Etiam in sem sit amet enim sollicitudin consectetuer. 

Pellentesque non mauris a nibh tincidunt feugiat. Suspendisse convallis, turpis quis dictum consectetuer, elit massa iaculis dolor, vitae convallis tellus sem non diam. Nunc at nulla quis erat lacinia rhoncus. Pellentesque ut quam. Etiam sollicitudin eleifend nisi. Fusce eu nibh non nunc rutrum placerat. 

Nunc imperdiet sagittis augue.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas id eros eget risus sagittis faucibus. Pellentesque malesuada venenatis orci. Mauris dolor mi, semper vulputate, ultricies a, imperdiet et, risus. Vivamus quis lectus. Nullam varius posuere nunc. Nunc id ligula sit amet lacus egestas convallis. 
Mauris nisi. Suspendisse lacinia odio sit amet felis ultrices viverra. Curabitur porttitor dapibus risus. Fusce commodo enim auctor nulla. Pellentesque pede nunc, pulvinar et, cursus id, feugiat ut, est. In condimentum velit non massa.
Sed pulvinar odio id pede. Nulla facilisi. Proin commodo vehicula risus. Sed tristique ligula ac mauris imperdiet aliquet. Aliquam volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean interdum mauris ut enim. Aenean consequat est at massa. 

Quisque elit. Suspendisse fringilla neque sed ligula. Integer nulla lacus, ultricies non, fringilla vitae, tincidunt at, orci. Ut malesuada dolor sed neque. Sed et pede. Etiam felis ipsum, facilisis ac, rutrum id, vehicula nec, massa. Donec venenatis auctor enim.

Cras vitae turpis. Aliquam sapien. Nullam faucibus, elit in bibendum dignissim, neque erat dignissim sapien, ut posuere sapien est a dui. Etiam neque purus, aliquet pulvinar, pulvinar id, tincidunt sed, sem. Integer a justo. Phasellus suscipit vehicula ligula. 

Donec pede erat, tincidunt ac, iaculis vel, feugiat sed, odio. Suspendisse augue. Pellentesque metus felis, hendrerit vitae, dignissim sit amet, lobortis blandit, eros. 

Aenean orci neque, lobortis ultrices, faucibus nec, malesuada nec, urna. 

Maecenas euismod blandit neque.


Why can't I get this right?!  Here's the wrapper background again...

Try That Again

I definitely need to make a couple tweaks.  Here are the new images.  This isn't perfect, but I'm gonna leave it alone for a little while....

Gradient Background

I'm trying a new gradient background.  I have no idea what this is actually gonna look like.  I guess we'll find out.

Wrapper Background

Here's a new wrapper background I'm trying out.  We'll see if it works.  I don't know how to do this.

Couple Tweaks...

Blogger took away my favicon . . . so I put it back.  Took a little tweaking, but I got it.  Take that!

Also, I'm considering changing the background up a little.  I'm not certain that I love the fixed background, so I'm tossing around a few ideas.  I'm thinking about maybe doing a dark vertical gradient as a fixed background, but then using a repeating paper/parchment image for the wrapper.   That may make things a little easier to read when scrolling (since the background would stay with the text).  We'll see.  I'm working on it.

October 11, 2008

A quick background tweak

Here's a new version of the background for the real blog.  I'm not even gonna bother posting it here.  I just needed to host the image somewhere....

October 5, 2008


I'm finally finished!  Now my real blog looks just like this one!!!  

No more updates for a while.

I long, long while I hope.

October 4, 2008

A New Shoe for the Footer

Here's a new footer.  I hope it works.

October 3, 2008

Another Fake Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque lectus. Donec quis purus in tortor viverra mollis. In ultricies ipsum vel massa. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed ultricies iaculis est. Duis sit amet dui sed nisl varius varius. Nunc in quam quis arcu aliquam bibendum. Sed justo. Curabitur placerat, sem eget porta pulvinar, erat dolor dictum nunc, ut euismod nunc diam eget tortor. 

Etiam semper lacus in lorem. Nam orci felis, congue a, luctus nec, porttitor sed, leo. Etiam justo metus, interdum vitae, facilisis eu, ultricies id, nunc. Etiam in pede. Quisque iaculis lectus id nulla. Donec pulvinar, eros fringilla porta vestibulum, dolor nisi volutpat risus, nec sagittis eros pede id lacus. Nullam massa lacus, molestie at, cursus in, luctus porta, dui. 

In eget purus.  Quisque auctor imperdiet leo. Curabitur eu lorem. Nulla lacus orci, imperdiet vitae, mattis sed, placerat non, elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed tristique quam quis nibh. Aliquam accumsan, diam id suscipit viverra, velit erat porta diam, eu varius leo odio et justo. Aenean condimentum tellus eget dolor consequat euismod. Praesent nec dolor vel ante blandit egestas. Ut lobortis turpis in tortor. Proin ac leo. 

Vestibulum porttitor eros at mi. Ut egestas tortor eu justo. Sed consectetuer sagittis nisi. Nunc pulvinar leo vitae metus. Vivamus semper. Nullam laoreet, orci eu dictum dignissim, augue ipsum rutrum orci, eget imperdiet eros tortor ac nisl. Cras ipsum nunc, ultricies in, rhoncus eget, faucibus euismod, mi. Morbi luctus lobortis quam. 

Nulla id est. Cras eget ipsum vitae justo auctor gravida.Duis dictum pede vitae mauris. Mauris lacus arcu, ullamcorper vel, fringilla nec, placerat eget, ligula. Sed congue laoreet arcu. Morbi sit amet enim non quam blandit mollis. Integer tortor lacus, varius a, auctor at, porttitor ac, mi. 

Quisque sed enim. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Ut porttitor, leo ac feugiat convallis, odio erat rhoncus sem, nec luctus felis ipsum nec metus.

Sed egestas. In pretium felis a orci. 

Will this be the new header?

So, I've been playing around with a new header idea.  I'm not sure if it will work.  I've never used .png's before, so hopefully there won't be any problems.  Otherwise I'll be pissed.  I definitely spent more time on this than I meant to.  It's just hard to figure out what I want.  Once I have a vision, it doesn't take long.  But vision doesn't come easily.

Maybe I need better glasses.

October 2, 2008

Don't Forget The Stragglers

So, I'm currently looking at my blog from an older computer that has a very sad screen resolution. I mean, I guess it isn't that bad, but I don't really like it.

When I'm designing my blog I'll have to consciously think about the different screen resolutions people use. As much as I'd like to design it to look awesome my my high-res screen, I guess I have to be considerate of those less fortunate.

Note to self: Don't forget the stragglers.

October 1, 2008

That's not doing it for me....

Wow, it's kinda trippy having the small version of the background image in the post right on top of the actual background.  It's really strange to look at.  

I need to remedy that.

That's what this post is for.

The goal here is to push the previous post far enough down the page that I don't have to worry about it being so prominent.  Hopefully, this will look better.

Remember, this is all about aesthetics.

A Background Tweak

I downloaded GIMP tonight (since I can't afford Photoshop right now) and played around with it a little bit.  I hadn't been quite satisfied with the background that I posted earlier today, so I increased the shadows quite a bit.  Hopefully this new background will look a little better.  

Oh, and by the way, I think I like GIMP.  It'll be hard to adjust to, but I can't complain about a free image manipulating program!

What A Long Post Would Look Like...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam dictum nunc mollis turpis. Nam at lectus a lacus rhoncus tempor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras justo urna, vehicula id, viverra id, lobortis eu, pede. Cras sit amet diam viverra felis consectetuer mattis. Sed bibendum vehicula augue. Cras porta blandit dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi egestas, libero ac aliquam ornare, magna libero semper diam, vel ornare augue leo ut massa. Ut leo nulla, tempor ut, auctor quis, feugiat at, justo. Aliquam elit. Morbi id lorem.

Duis nunc ipsum, sollicitudin in, fermentum nec, vestibulum quis, magna. Nunc eget neque. Proin laoreet, felis sed malesuada pulvinar, ligula neque ultricies massa, ut consequat mi orci at arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam ut velit. Curabitur ut erat. Mauris ut velit a dolor posuere bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu lectus a pede convallis faucibus. Nulla commodo interdum mi. Praesent ornare. Donec ligula. Aliquam gravida justo quis enim elementum facilisis. Pellentesque tortor. Nulla erat quam, viverra eget, pellentesque consectetuer, porttitor ut, risus. Vestibulum scelerisque. Aenean vel est.

Aliquam sed diam. Phasellus sapien turpis, euismod id, pharetra ut, ultrices et, quam. Donec tempus. Integer ipsum tortor, feugiat at, vestibulum quis, ornare eget, nulla. Morbi tincidunt. Sed tellus neque, pretium eget, euismod et, facilisis volutpat, arcu. Vivamus vitae tellus. Etiam commodo. Aliquam eu risus. Etiam orci purus, vehicula at, blandit ultricies, fermentum quis, nulla. Donec dui leo, tempus ac, adipiscing ut, vestibulum cursus, quam. Phasellus nec elit. Vestibulum bibendum, dui a venenatis bibendum, lectus massa rhoncus sem, quis cursus arcu nisl in urna. Proin lacinia porttitor pede. Ut urna erat, scelerisque sit amet, cursus quis, fermentum porttitor, erat.

Vivamus leo augue, volutpat a, auctor eu, vestibulum eget, lacus. Maecenas tristique nulla at dui. Duis et mauris. In id ipsum et mi mattis tristique. Nulla tempor sapien. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur et erat. Morbi eget velit. Suspendisse ultrices. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum ut purus eget risus commodo posuere. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras blandit.

Morbi nisl est, lobortis dictum, sollicitudin nec, semper eu, lectus. Pellentesque ac massa sit amet purus ultricies vulputate. Vivamus congue eros eu nunc. Suspendisse nisi libero, rhoncus vitae, dictum vitae, sollicitudin sed, diam. In ornare interdum massa. Sed eros. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus lobortis egestas purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris quis ipsum ac dui elementum ullamcorper. Nunc dui felis, condimentum et, congue id, auctor eu, nisl. Mauris erat. Nulla eros.

Fusce tincidunt egestas nunc. Nullam at velit id magna mattis tempor. Morbi vitae magna. Nullam feugiat tristique mauris. Vivamus hendrerit volutpat justo. Curabitur sollicitudin, mi sit amet tincidunt dictum, ante dolor eleifend risus, tincidunt egestas nisi enim sed lacus. In scelerisque, turpis eu elementum convallis, felis ante laoreet arcu, in viverra massa lectus ac odio. Nulla ac enim. Curabitur sed lorem. Cras congue augue non arcu. Donec orci lectus, consequat vel, porttitor a, placerat cursus, ante. Nunc neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus at lectus. Pellentesque orci magna, auctor quis, aliquet et, molestie a, nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer varius posuere libero. Sed erat.

Sed orci ipsum, lacinia in, vulputate lobortis, fringilla non, lacus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque vehicula, odio vel facilisis consectetuer, ipsum dolor tristique turpis, ut mollis lacus ipsum vel sem. Sed volutpat cursus nunc. Nulla at diam at neque facilisis varius. Duis et leo. Pellentesque vestibulum. Vestibulum pulvinar, justo vitae vestibulum tincidunt, lacus turpis fringilla arcu, eu consectetuer dui dui ac turpis. Maecenas malesuada magna et lorem. Phasellus eleifend. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis nisi. Etiam adipiscing, nulla in cursus molestie, felis sem commodo urna, non auctor pede est at erat. Curabitur feugiat nibh sed nunc. Duis suscipit lacinia ipsum. Curabitur pharetra nibh vitae lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aliquam ultricies pretium pede. Fusce bibendum elit ac libero.


Here's an option for the background. Let's see if this works.

September 28, 2008

What's all this?

As it turns out, I'm never quite satisfied with my most things I do.  I always like to tweak and change things.  That goes for lots of thing in my life, but especially my blog's design.  So, I'm creating this blog "Marked Beta" as a place for me to try out new templates, designs, and random ideas.  

There really won't be much of interest here for you--but you can always stop by to look to see if there are any new developments underway.  Otherwise, you should visit my real blog, "MARKED: Struggles in Thought and Theology."

September 24, 2008

New Images

I'm trying these out....

September 21, 2008

Another Go

Here we go again.  Back date.

September 18, 2008

Background Change

Here's an adjusted version of the background....

September 15, 2008

Another Shot at It

I probably shouldn't back date this, but I am....

September 12, 2008

Another Back-dated Background

Here's an alternative background to try.  I think I like it better, but I'll have to see it up to make sure.  Even though today is October 3rd, I'm going to pretend like it's not.

Here we go!

Oh, I want to see what a block quote looks like, so here we go:
The Internet is the single most important development in the history of human communication since the invention of call waiting.
-Dave Barry

September 11, 2008

Back-dated Background

So, I'm posting a new background on October 2nd, but I've decided to back date the entry.  I really don't like the way it looks to have the image in the post on top of the actual background.  It confuses my eyes.  So, I'm gonna party like it's 1999!  Or maybe I'll just back date it to last month.  Which was two days ago.  I'm not sure.  

By the time this posts, I'll have made a decision....

Another Trial

Here's a long piece of paper to use on the bottom sidebar. We'll see how it goes....

Give it a shot

I'm not really sure how the different elements of my blog layout work, so I'm gonna try something out. I've resized an image of paper to 540px wide so that it'll fit in the main section of the blog. I'm gonna put the image at the top and the bottom of the main section, and I expect that the solid color will cover up most of the image. I really don't know, though. We'll find out.

My Art

This is where I'll put my art once this whole thing is for real. But for now, these few images will have to suffice. I have to say that I'm pretty proud of myself for getting lytebox to work—especially considering I had no idea what I was doing.

What is this place?

Marked Theology is a blog dedicated to my theological ramblings. The words that you read here reflect my own personal jihad, not in the sense of violence, but in the truer sense of a spiritual struggle or striving. I have been led down a long and circuitous path in my search for God—and that search continues here. Consider these entries a chronicle of my wild ride through both wilderness and heavenly plain.

Although this journey is a personal one, I hope you'll join me. It's always nice to have a few fellow travellers along for the ride. Please feel free to take a look around—and even drop me a comment if you like. I look forward to seeing you along the path.

Oh, and for an explanation of the title of this blog, please see my first entry, "Marked."